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The Tide is turning

Writer's picture: Pastors BlogPastors Blog
  • The Move of the Holy Spirit is returning to this land

  • But there must be heartfelt prayer, ministering to the Lord, and intercession.

  • Our hearts must be aligned with the Spirit of God in brokenness, and humility so that past offenses, grievances, and quenchings of the Holy Spirit are not repeated.

The natural man does not understand or get the things of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 2.14). Saul knew his bible, the Torah back to front, but was very hostile towards God the Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. The risen, glorified, ascended Christ; confronting him on the road to Damascus said 'Saul Saul why are you persecuting me, it is hard for you to kick against me' (Acts 9.4-5).

Jesus challenged other seemingly orthodox bible believers of His time with the challenge of 'You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me. 40 But you are not willing to come to Me that you may have life. (John 5.39-40).

The member of the Godhead who is now on the Earth is the Holy Spirit. In the generation, spoken of in the Gospel accounts, the member of the Godhead on the Earth, was the Son.

As people responded to Jesus then, so they respond to the Holy Spirit today. Some are offended at God the Holy Spirit, just as their spiritual forefathers were offended at God the Son.

How is this?

Let us understand, that there have been previous moves of the Spirit, where the tide came in, often through the fervent prayers of an unknown remnant.

When that tide came in everything came alive – where the Spirit of God moves there is life. Everything comes alive, old stuffy ways give way as a culture of freshness and newness comes.

Old-fashioned styles and old music is renewed and praise God! Praise God that in revival, in renewal; when the tide comes in, there is a NEW SOUND.

However, when prayer, passion, consecration, repentance, fervent love for Jesus, agape love for one another, and fire for lost souls wanes, then the tide goes out.

The tide recedes because the Holy Spirit has been grieved and quenched.

So the tide went out and now what do we have left behind?

Left behind are contemporary styles, modern music, motivational talks, social program outreaches, man's charisma, secular leadership teachings/influences, and lots of activity but an absence of the presence of God.

We have a modern contemporary structure & culture that is resistant to God the Holy Spirit.

Why are people resistant and even hostile to God the Holy Spirit?

As mentioned previously -for the same reason they were resistant and hostile to God the Son. For when God is manifesting Himself in a place and among a people, the true spiritual condition of people's hearts is revealed and exposed. Some will be broken in repentance and humility, while others will seek to maintain the status quo and will resist.

So what must we do?

We must recognise in brokenness and humility before God the true spiritual condition and state of affairs. It is essential that we are brought to personal humility so we can be entrusted by the Holy Spirit to truly intercede for 'THE CHURCH', to weep ourselves, to repent, and to bear reproach, even from our brethren.

We must have hearts aligned with the Holy Spirit, so that should the tide begin to return, we will not claim, in spiritual conceit and pride that 'we have somehow started some move of God, but that in our own brokenness as priests ministering to the Lord, may surrender all of our own agendas, plans, purposes, reputation at the feet of Jesus.

The Church must return to prayer without ceasing, corporately and individually. We must become the House of Prayer, that the Lord Himself calls us to be.

All of the programs, human charisma, and contemporary seeker-sensitive style leave you empty.

We are only truly satisfied when we are emptied before Him at the altar.

In the times to come, the shakings that God will allow upon the Church and this world will ensure that the only true Church, is one that clings to the altar, a Church that can not live without prayer and must have His presence, His precious Holy Spirit as a vital necessity!

If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7.14

To God alone be the Glory!




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