'Your name is the highest, your name is the greatest, your name stands above them all.
Above all thrones and dominions, all powers and positions; your name stands above them all''.
This is more than a song! It is a powerful declaration of truth. The truth that the name of Jesus is above them all! May the Church continue to declare this with unwavering boldness and see the darkness bow and tremble!
Anything in our lives that needs to shift – it has a name, but whatever it is, the name of Jesus is higher!
The name of Jesus stands far above every other name that can be named.
When we speak the name of Jesus, it brings every other power into subjection under it. It brings demons into subjection. It brings freedom to men and women. The name of Jesus speaks power, it speaks healing, it speaks victory, it speaks life! All glory to the matchless name of Jesus!
Let's take time to learn about what is in that name. The name of Jesus has been made available to the Church!
John 14:13-14: 'And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name that will I do that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask anything in my name I shall do it.'
When it comes to answers to prayer; many of us have heard things like this in Church: 'Maybe it's a 'yes', maybe it's a 'no', maybe it's a 'you just can never tell'.
Perhaps the intention is to bring comfort but it's a faith-killer when you hear things like: 'There are just no guarantees...we must just be humble and let God do what He wants to do'.
It sounds so spiritual but it is completely unbiblical! The Bible never said: 'All the promises of God are: maybe and we'll see' It says 'All the promises of God are yes and amen to the glory of God in Jesus Christ!'
Jesus is saying in John 14 that when we ask something in His name, the Father is glorified when He does it!
In John 15 Jesus said if we abide in Him and His word abides in us then we shall ask what we will and it will be done for us. When we do, our desires will be Godly desires and He will give us the desires of our heart. It is not for selfish lusts.
You may only be one day old as a child of God but nevertheless, the name of Jesus has been given to you. The promise has been conferred upon you that 'anything you ask in my name it will be done for you'.
We've got to take the Word of God as applying to us personally; as speaking directly to each one of us here and now.
When we let the Word of God speak to us, it becomes living in us. God's voice becomes resident in our heart and we become sound in our faith.
God wants us to receive! The heart of God is so generous. We struggle because we just don't have a concept of how generous the heart of God is. We are not inconveniencing God when we ask Him for something in Jesus' name! He delights to answer us! He wants to help us!
We have such a limited concept of just how much the Father loves us! Jesus told us in John 17:23 that the Father loves us with the same love that He loves Jesus!
'Do you mean to say Jesus meant that the Father loves me as much as He loves Jesus? No way!'
Yes, that is exactly what Jesus is saying! The Father loves you no less than He loves Jesus! His love is not given to you in a more limited or lesser way. There are no limits to His love.
The Father loves us with the same quality of love with which He loves Jesus – but deep down we don't believe it! He wants us to ask in the name of Jesus in full confidence that our requests will be heard and granted not because of our name but because of the greatness of His name that we have been given the right to use.
Men and women obtain a great name in three main ways:
Through inheritance: you can be born into a great name
Some people have a great name because of their achievements
Others have a great name or title conferred upon them
The name of Jesus is great for all three of those reasons! He inherited that excellent name. Jesus achieved salvation for us! He dethroned, destroyed, and disarmed the devil. And His name is great because a great name has been conferred upon Him.
Hebrews 1:1-6: 'God who at various times and in various ways spoke in times past to the fathers by that prophets; has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the worlds (or ages). Who being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person and upholding all things by the Word of His power when He had by himself purged our sins sat down at the right hand of the majesty on high, having become so much better than the angels as He by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they for to which of the angels did he ever say ''You are my Son, today I have begotten you''? And again: 'I will be to Him a Father and He will be to me a Son'. But when He again brings the firstborn into the world He says 'let all the angels of God worship Him'.
There are different ages of time. (in Greek it's the word 'eons'). God sees the bigger picture and the times are all in His hands.
In times past God spoke by the prophets. Now, we still read the Old Testament, but we have to read it correctly: as it points prophetically to Christ. Now, God speaks to us by His Son, who is the Word of God and the full revelation of the Father. Since Jesus came, rose from the dead, ascended to the Father, and poured out the Holy Spirit; a different age began :We are in the 'Last Days'.
There was an age of sin and death before Jesus came to redeem us. There is still sin and death in the world but it has an expiration date upon it! We are in the closing moments of the Last Days. Soon all things will be made new.
God now only speaks through the context of speaking through His Son. He will not speak through any other context. Any so-called 'revelation from God' that does not centre on Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and does not exalt Him and draw people to Him is not from God. It is the spirit of antichrist. There are other religions whose deity does not have a son, but the true God, whose name is Yahweh – He has a Son and His name is Jesus.
God is a God of family not of religion. Our God is a Father and this Father wants a family and He speaks through sonship. We all have the spirit of sonship – that means you've been adopted into the family of God. This is a family affair! The Christian faith is not a religion. God wants His family with Him. And in the blink of an eye, we will be with Him forever.
You are His child. He wants you to be close to Him, He delights to hear and answer you. He has a vested interest in you, as your Father. It's far more than a doctrinal thing! It's knowing that we are a part of His family.
God has appointed His Son to be heir of all things. Jesus has inherited everything. The Bible says in Romans 8:17 that we are joint heirs with Christ. That means that everything that Jesus has inherited also belongs to us! It's like two people who are married can have a joint bank account. We have a joint account with Jesus Christ: all of His righteousness, all of His goodness, all of His inheritance is put into our account. Forever we are joint heirs with Him. All that belongs to Jesus now also belongs to us!
In John 17:22 Jesus said: 'the glory that you have given me I have given to them that they may be one just as we are one: I in them and Thou in Me; that they may be perfect in one that the world may know that you have sent Me and have loved them as You have loved Me'.
The word 'glory' here means that we have been given His significance, His weightiness, and it means that we have access to the presence of God.
This Jesus, who has been appointed heir of everything has also 'made the worlds' – and that's not talking about Jupiter and Mars as such, but it means the eons of time; all the ages. He is in charge. We can think the world looks like it's in chaos but the devil is not in charge. God is the one who shakes all things, not the devil. In the shakings, we can stand firm on the rock of truth that we belong to the One who is the God of the Ages! He upholds all things by the Word of His power. And the Word says He upholds us! Our life isn't going to collapse and fall apart. We will not be overwhelmed or consumed. He will uphold us and bear us up. He will sustain us. He will carry us on eagle's wings!
'When He had by Himself purged our sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high' –
What is this saying? God sees the end from the beginning! God sees you complete and perfect in Christ. He sees your sins purged – He's done it! 'He sat down' means job done! It doesn't have to be repeated. You are justified. Sanctification is ongoing but justification is complete.
The spirit realm is full of rank. Jesus has obtained a more excellent name. That means nothing comes close to Jesus Christ in the spiritual realm – angel or demon.
We are seated with Him in heavenly realms and we are clothed in Christ, clothed in the armour of light. The armour of God has one offensive weapon – the sword – it comes out of your mouth. When you use the weapon of the Word of God on the devil, he has no defense against it! We have every defense against his!
The Lord wants to hear our requests. He wants to hear us pray and ask the Father in the name of Jesus. And whatsoever we ask in the name of Jesus that will He do. So get ready to ask with boldness and complete trust. Don't shrink back. Don't let condemnation keep you from this. You have been given the ability to use the name of Jesus. Jesus Himself was given for you; how much more will God give you all things! Tell Him what you want. Go to your Father and ask in the name of Jesus!
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