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Open Heavens

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We need the Heavens to open up over our lives, for His Kingdom to have dominion. We need the supernatural power of God to superimpose over natural circumstances, in what is a fallen world, and one that seems to be becoming more wicked by the day.


Jesus walked with an Open Heaven.  He was a walking open heaven!  In Mark’s gospel 1:8-11, we can see how, as a man, He submitted to the divine will and received baptism in water, from John the Baptist.  He did not need repentance of sin, but was doing it ‘on our behalf’.  It was at His baptism that the heavens opened and the Spirit descended upon Him like a dove and the voice of the Father was revealed; confirming, affirming, and endorsing Him in the place of Sonship.

We are crying out for revival, for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit!  We need an Open Heaven, and the Spirit will then be poured out!


When the Holy Spirit is poured out and the Heavens are opened, the voice of God is heard among His people.  It is no longer just ink on a page.  Many can read scripture, but never hear God!  (See Jn 5:39-40).  We must have the move of the Spirit.  Without the Spirit, the Word is dry and does not produce life (see 2 Corinthians 3:5-6).

In the Open Heaven, the logos, the written word of God will come alive to you.  The rhema,  the 'now' prophetic word of God will come alive in His Church.  There will be divine direction and confirmation of the Word with signs following.

When the heavens are open over His Church, the Spirit is moving and God is speaking, the people of God come into identity!  Many lack identity, and struggle with having no clear sense of who they are, where they come from, and where they are going. 

One wonderful fruit of the opening of the heavens over His Church is that sons and daughters of God are revealed!  This is where believers become people who carry revelation and the abiding presence of God.  God so wants to clothe us with His presence and power, to be light in the darkness!


In John’s gospel chapter 1:50-51, A man called Nathaniel was amazed that Jesus had prophetically ‘seen him under the fig tree’.  The response of Jesus was to say “You shall see open heavens’.


Every true born-again believer is someone the Lord has come to, someone the Lord has called unto Himself, someone the Lord has seen and He calls you to see open heavens.


Nathaniel was told He would see the open heavens upon Jesus and angels ascending and descending upon the Son of Man.  What does this mean?


We know that angels appeared and ministered to Jesus after his temptation in the wilderness (see Mark 1:12-15).  We see an open heaven on the Mount of Transfiguration, when the Glory of God descended, Jesus was glorified and the voice of the Father spoke.  Surely there would have been an angelic presence, though the text does not expressly mention the presence of angels on the Mount of Transfiguration.


A vital point to mention is that Jesus was adamant with Nathaniel that he would see the heavens open.  The King James Translation says “Verily Verily I say unto you, hereafter you shall see heaven open…”


Verily means Jesus is being definite and He repeats for double emphasis.


Now when we read the gospel accounts, where we assume Nathaniel was present we do not ‘see’ visual descriptions of Heaven open, or visual descriptions of actual angels! 


What do we see?  We see an abundance of supernatural divine activity!

We see the move of the Holy Spirit – because Jesus was a walking Open Heaven!

Jesus carried an open heaven and an abundance of supernatural activity!


Wherever there is an outpouring of the Holy Spirit and an abundance of the supernatural power of God, there is evidence of the open heaven and angelic activity.


We the Church, are His BODY ON THE EARTH.  In these end times, the Lord is opening the heavens, revealing us as the sons of God, and there is going to be an exponential increase in supernatural activity!


Life can seem chaotic, out of sync, and it can appear that ‘God is not in charge’, ‘not all powerful’.  The great miracle accounts of scripture can read almost like myths and fairy tales, especially in a land like modern Britain. 


Why is that?  Because the heavens are closed!


We His people are called to seek His face, repent, turn from our wicked ways for Him to come and heal our land (2 Chronicles 7:14).  He calls His people, His Church to be a House of Prayer, a Holy Mountain, a place with an altar where sacrifices and offerings open up the heavens (see Isaiah 56:7, Matthew 21:13)



God opening the heavens shows He has absolute command and authority over every element and situation. Chaos and oppression flee, the sense that the devil has been running amok is broken and God is shown to be sovereign.

Psalm 78:23-25 shows God in command over the clouds, over every element, and opening the doors of heaven, to rain down manna.

The Lord teaches us to pray in Matthew 6:8-13 to come before God as Father in reverence, for His Kingdom and will to come and for daily bread. That does not mean we are asking the Lord for crumbs.  We are asking Him with expectation for manna from Heaven, for God’s supernatural supply to be poured into our lives!


Supernatural supply comes through an open heaven. Supernatural supply comes in the form of ‘angel food’ i.e. the spiritual substance that creates the faith to believe to manifest the promises of God in our lives! 


It is time for the Church to return to God's original intention: to be the gate of heaven, the place where the heavens open.  Let us be a place where the altar is restored, the fear and awesomeness of the Lord is present – a true House of God!


And he was afraid and said, “How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven!”  Gen 28.17


His Holy Mountain means the place where Heaven and Earth connect.

His Holy Mountain is the House of Prayer

This is the place where the altar is restored, where burnt offerings and sacrifices are accepted. The place where high praise opens the heavens!

If we restore the place of the altar, the place of sacrifice and offering that is the House of Prayer, the place of Open Heavens: then our nation will be shaken one last time for Jesus, before the Lord returns!


Let this scripture be our prayer:


Oh, that You would rend the heavens!  That You would come down! that the mountains might shake at Your presence—  Isa 64.1






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