For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. 2 Cor 10.4-5

Many of us have read the New Testament passage about pulling down strongholds in regards to 'spiritual warfare and deliverance, found in 2 Corinthians 10.4-5. We may have the understanding that a stronghold is an area in our life where the enemy has built a fortification of deception and lies. This can be about our identity as a believer, can be things that keep us trapped. In these times, some are even led into deception, because they have fallen prey to the influences of the spirit of the age, the strongholds in the culture.
One issue that maybe needs some clarifying is what exactly are the weapons that are not carnal, but mighty through God for pulling down the strongholds?
Well, let us first ask ourselves; who wrote this and what was special and particular about that person? The answer is, the Apostle Paul, and what was very special and particular is the fact that he carried an Apostolic calling, equipping and anointing upon his life and ministry.
Now, let us be clear; there are no more apostles, in the sense of men who will add to the canon of scripture, but the bible is clear in that Jesus has given some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers Ephesians 4.11. So there is still an Apostolic calling and anointing today.
Churches and ministries connected to that apostolic grace and anointing will carry a particular dimension in the Spirit for spiritual warfare and deliverance. They will be churches established on the presence and power of God where the word of God is alive and revealed.
Let us take a look at what the Lord spoke to Paul when He called him into this grace and anointing:
I will deliver you from the Jewish people, as well as from the Gentiles, to whom I now send you, to open their eyes, in order to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in Me.’ Acts 26.17-18
Notice: The apostolic grace and anointing does the following:
1, Opens eyes & turns people from darkness to light
Thus a person who is defeated, broken and poor, who can see no future for themselves, has their eyes opened to what Jesus has done for them and their dimension is shifted from darkness & defeat to a realm of light, that is one of revelation and walking in the presence of God.
2, Delivers them from the illegitimate power & authority of satan to the Kingdom power & authority of God
The devil is a thief and a liar and has no real authority. When he is exposed and cast out of a person's life they shift from being under that demonic power & authority to God's power & authority. Thus His Kingdom comes and His will is done and established in their lives, their emotions, their mind, their health, their family, fiances, life and calling.
3, They receive forgiveness of sins.
When a person repents and puts their faith in Jesus, they are justified from the penalty of sin, but many believers live for years unreconciled. They must receive it deeply within them, to the point of deep transformation.
4, They receive their inheritance among the sanctified by faith in Jesus.
Again; when we repent and put our faith in Jesus, we are justified, but our sanctification is ongoing. We have an inheritance, that Christ has paid for, but we must go through maturing and process to come into it. We need to access the apostolic anointing to bring us into inheritance!
So in 2 Corinthians 10 when Paul says 'the weapons of OUR warfare' what does he mean?
Does he mean, prayer, fasting, the word, praying in tongues? Yes that is included.
But I believe the 'our warfare' refers to Paul and his core team. He has came to Corinth, a Greek city steeped in paganism, idolatry, demonisation and all kinds of immorality AND he carries the grace and anointing to wage warfare to turn people in that city from darkness to light, from the power of satan to God!
He will not fight carnally, people are not the enemy! Instead, he will exercise the grace and anointing to manifest God's power in a demonstration of a supernatural gospel that destroys strongholds, casts down arguments and high things, and brings about obedience to Christ.
The full supernatural gospel, the apostolic faith that we are to contend for makes Gentile pagan's obedient. It destroys strongholds:
For I will not dare to speak of any of those things which Christ has not accomplished through me, in word and deed, to make the Gentiles obedient in mighty signs and wonders, by the power of the Spirit of God, so that from Jerusalem and round about to Illyricum I have fully preached the gospel of Christ. Romans 15.18-19
Do we not need strongholds and demonic arguments that infest the atmosphere of the culture broken from our minds? And those high things that exalt themselves against the revealed knowledge of God. These are not just cultural norms but spiritual atmospheres and powers that hold the believer back from KNOWING and having the revelation of God's liberating truth and power!
Do we need to see the minds of God's people liberated from bondage and taken captive by truth, the truth that sets free? Freedom from all kinds of brokenness and dysfunctionality and brought into the obedience and settled Shalom and peace of Christ!
We need that apostolic grace! We need churches and ministries aligned with the genuine apostolic and prophetic of Jesus Christ, in this generation. We need Churches and ministries established on the presence, power of God and the revealed word. The time for TED talks and positive motivational speaking is over, entertainment in the Church is no longer relevant. As we enter times of great shakings, people will need real answers, real shifting from darkness to light, deliverance from satan to God, and demolishing of all strongholds.
His word reveals that Jesus is coming back for such a Church, a glorious glory-filled Church without spot or stain. Praise God there is a remnant coming forth in these days who will manifest Christ on this earth!