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Meditation in the Word of God

Writer's picture: Pastors BlogPastors Blog

We need to practice meditating on the Word of God and incorporate this into our daily lives. Biblical meditation is where we fill our minds with the Word of God and nothing else.


Meditation is the background track that is playing in your mind all the time. There is always some form of meditation going on in our minds all the time. Worry, anxiety and fear is a form of meditation!


Don't let that be the background track playing all day in your mind! Let it be the Word of God – always on in your imagination, mind, and emotions. Let that space in you be filled with the Living Word of God. Then there will be no room for depression or negativity.


Biblical meditation means 'to ponder, to muse, to mutter, to imagine'.


There are great and lasting benefits to meditating on the Word of God. We will reap great rewards in our life.


The Lord wants to train your mind out of passivity, out of being undisciplined and all over the place. He wants to train your will, 'to will and to act according to His good pleasure'. We need our mind, will and emotions to be submitted to God's Word. The more the Word goes into our ears and our eyes every day, the more it will get established in us. There'll be no more confusion. When a wrong thought comes our way we will know: 'that's not from God'. You will become more accustomed to recognising what the Voice of the Lord is and what is not.


Joshua 1: 8 says: 'This book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth; but you shall meditate in it day and night 'and then you will make your way prosperous, then you will have good success'.


Ponder it, imagine it, speak it!


The Word of God should be in our mouth all the time. That doesn't mean we become a walking Bible machine, but that what comes out of your mouth aligns with the Word of God and does not contradict it.


Decide never to speak contrary to the Word of God. Decide never to speak words of death but only words of life.


Proverbs 18:21 says: 'Life and death are in the power of the tongue and they that love it will eat the fruit thereof' .


This is basically saying that every time you open your mouth you are ministering life or death and whatever you dish out is what you are going to eat!


You can use your words to take control of your thoughts. If you get the word of God in your mouth, negative thoughts will be stopped in their tracks. Lies will be refuted and not given an entry into your life. Meditate in and speak the Word and you will change the course and direction of your life!


Your tongue is a small member but it is what steers your life! (See James 3)


 Psalm 1:2-3 says, speaking of the godly man or woman: 'His delight is in the law of the Lord and in His Law he meditates day and night. He shall be like a tree planted by rivers of water, that brings forth fruit in its season; his leaf shall not wither and whatever he does shall prosper.


In Ephesians 1:17 onwards, the Apostle Paul prays for the Ephesians that they would ‘have the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, that their eyes would be flooded with light’.  This is talking about the imagination. God wants to get into our imagination, some of us need healing and deliverance in our imagination. It's the deepest part of you, where the inner image of Christ, His Kingdom, and His word is birthed.


As you read the Word, it WILL change the state of your mind. It will change how you think. The inner picture in your imagination will be changed. Godly imaginations will be at home there and all wicked imaginations will have no place, they will be flushed out.


The living words of scripture will begin to jump out at you as the Holy Spirit applies them to you personally. Just one verse may speak to you and become a rhema – a 'now word' that has the power to change your life.


 The Bible is more reliable as a source of hearing God than the greatest prophetic encounter or mountaintop experience you could ever have. It is a 'more sure prophetic word' than even being on the Mount of Transfiguration and seeing the Lord, Moses, and Elijah! Wow! God Almighty will speak directly and personally to us through the Bible. The Living Word of God has the power to bring glorious transformation (metamorphosis) to us just from reading it! 

Every true prophetic experience and encounter we have with the Lord must be founded on a life built on the Word of God.


Meditation in the Word of God, means we gain revelation over information and revelation leads to encounter in His presence.


When we draw from the Living Word of Scripture, we are receiving the fresh breath of God into our life. Jesus said in John 7:38-39: 'Those who believe in Me according to the scriptures, rivers of living water will flow from them.' Receiving and believing the scriptures produces a flow of the Holy Spirit in and through us! When we feed on the Living Word of God, Holy Spirit-Life is flowing into us and will flow out of us, continually.




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