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How to put the battle in God's hands and win!

Writer's picture: Pastors BlogPastors Blog

If you feel you have been robbed of years, of opportunities, that you've been denied justice, been denied reward or fulfilment that you should have had, God sees you and He will not leave matters unsettled!

He wants to encourage your heart today! He's saying: ''Look to Me, I am the Righteous God, I am your Defender and the One who brings you through – even through the thick of the battle into breakthrough and promise fulfilled. So sing of my goodness! Sing of my faithfulness! I will not leave you in the hand of the enemy but I will bring you out of all limitation into a good land, into a wide, open space of productivity and abundance! You will see my goodness!

Even as the Accuser is surrounding you on all sides, yelling: ''No way! No way!'' I am making the way! It may look like you messed up but I am lining things up! I am fighting for you! My righteous ones will never be forsaken! I am the God who executes justice for them and brings them into great recompense of reward!''

The Bible says that GOD WILL AVENGE HIS OWN ELECT who cry out to Him day and night – that is – they have a history with God in prayer! Those who frequent the secret place have His ear! He hears you! He will respond! We see this in Luke 18:1-12: It's the parable of the widow and the unjust judge which Jesus taught to teach us always to pray and never give up.

God's children are not quitters! Make up your mind today: 'I'm never gonna quit on God! I'm gonna pray without ceasing!'

The Holy Spirit will energise you to pray and not to faint! The more you pray the more you won't be able to stop praying! You will tap into an unstoppable prayer momentum! And if enough of us do this, it will become a prayer movement that will bulldoze the enemy's kingdom and establish the Kingdom of God in in our city, our nation and the whole earth! That is God's plan and strategy for prayer in the End Times! A mega movement of prayer that partners with and fuels the gospel being preached in all the world!

There's a place we can enter in prayer called the Court of Heaven: Daniel 7:9-10 describes what it looks like: “I watched till thrones were put in place, And the Ancient of Days was seated; His garment was white as snow, And the hair of His head was like pure wool. His throne was a fiery flame, Its wheels a burning fire; A fiery stream issued And came forth from before Him. A thousand thousands ministered to Him; Ten thousand times ten thousand stood before Him.

The court was seated, And the books were opened.''

The Court of Heaven is so key to unlocking our promises and inheritance: We need the books to be opened and for our case to be heard and answered! We need a verdict from the Court of Heaven! We need God to execute swift vengeance on our adversary! We need God to deal with the dream-stealer and the destiny blocker! We need a ruling in our favour!

If an unjust judge granted justice to a widow because of her persistence, then surely God will avenge his own elect who cry out to Him day and night – who love to be in His presence and depend on Him, morning, noon and night!

And we are not a widow, begging for justice from an unjust judge who doesn't care! Our loving heavenly Father cares more than we know!

The genuine heartfelt cry from God's children of: ''Give me justice against my adversary'' gets God's attention! He wants to answer you, but as the just judge He must hear the evidence. You've got to give Him legal reason to give a verdict in your favour.

Plead your case before the Court of Heaven. Bring what was done to you, what the enemy stole from you, what should have been yours.

As you do you may find yourself weeping before the Lord. Freely pour your heart out! Your tears are valuable to Him – or why would it say He gathers them in a bottle? I'm not saying have a pity party and get God to feel sorry for you! No, that's not what it's about!

Have you ever had tears that are like prayers? I have – and it's nothing to do with self-pity or being over-emotional. There are anointed tears, there are tears of intercession. There are tears of deep worship and surrender. Hannah made her vow through floods of tears.

Sometimes tears in the secret place are a very important part of prayer, much deeper than words.

When you are calling upon heaven to recognise that you need justice: BE REAL! Be authentic about what you really want, what you really need. You're not here to put on a religious performance! Give Him your whole heart – lay it out before Him as it really is. Tell Him how you really feel. No pretence. (Pretence is NOT faith) You don't have to deny your feelings or what you've suffered. Stop accusing yourself of being unbelieving! When you do that the devil's got you caught in a religious game. You are not a robot.

State your case!

Demonstrate where what happened to you violates the promises of God over you, and your rights as a blood bought child of God. Stand firm on the promises in faith.

Isaiah 43:26: 'Put Me in remembrance, let us contend together, state your case that you may be acquitted'.

'Put Me in remembrance' -means present your case from what I've already written in the books of heaven about you! When you stand in the court of heaven the books are open!

We need revelation of what's written in our book, so what we plead and present lines up with what's visible to the Court in the open book.

Putting Him in remembrance, means we can say: ''Lord, you said this about me before time began! The written evidence is there! This is part of my Kingdom purpose! So Lord I'm asking before your presence that what you said about me would be a reality''.

God remembering something doesn't mean He forgot! When He remembers us, it means now He regards us and He's about to move on our behalf and do something for us, in us, through us. Remember means 'to mark'. It means he marks us for a blessing / breakthrough / for that which we've been crying out for.

For example God remembered Rachel – she was barren. Gen 30:22-23 and God listened to her and opened her womb and she said 'God has taken away my reproach'. God remembered her and made her fruitful. She'd been crying out for a long time, for many years but something in that moment about Rachel grasped His attention and He remembered her. So many of us can identify with Rachel: The longing for fruitfulness and desire for fulfilment is one of our greatest needs.

The same was true of Hannah. She wept before the Lord but she didn't do it out of unbelief or accusing God. There's a difference between a griping, complaining, heart that won't let go and a heart that is poured out like water before the Lord. Make sure yours is the latter and you are not expressing pain only to hold on to it but casting your griefs and burdens upon the One who carries them away. Sometimes we make an idol out of our pain! Release it! Make sure you don't leave that place the same way you went in – but leave knowing God has heard your prayer and taken your burden from you because you rolled it onto Him in faith and trusted that He would take it from here.

If you will leave everything at the feet of Jesus, a transaction takes place where God is personally taking on your every battle, surrounding you with favour as with a shield and seeing to it that the thief restores 7-fold (minimum) what was stolen from you. You will just stand still and watch as the tables are decisively turned! God is rising in vengeance against the enemy on your behalf!

Isaiah 59: 19-20 : 'When the enemy comes in destroying like a flood the Spirit of the Lord will raise up the standard against him!'

A flood is a roaring river. The enemy comes roaring against us, threatening to destroy and overwhelm everything. But God! God will arise in judgment! He will arise and intervene on your behalf and scatter the enemy & overwhelm him! . God will fight for us and send enemy backward. God will come to us as our Redeemer.

The word translated 'lift up a standard' literally means to push back against, cause to flee, cause to vanish away! God's gonna come as a greater flood, a mighty river that overpowers the enemy and completely turns the tide! ''There's a PUSH BACK!''



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