The one thing we would say that we can never get back is time. We can't turn the clock back.
We can't live those years again...
But according to God's word, even the time that we've lost can be restored to us! How?
Joel 2:25: I will restore the years the locusts have eaten...' in MSG: 'I'll make up for the years of the great locust devastation'; the AMPLIFIED says: 'I will compensate you'.
So He's not talking about giving us back the literal years themselves but giving us the fruit /productivity/ goodness of them that you lost, that you should have had but didn't.
To RESTORE also means to bring the pieces (of your life) back together and rebuild them! What was lost or stolen or broken or unfinished over the years is about to be brought back together and brought to completion– only God can do that!
I believe we're in the time now of the restoration of all things.
God will restore your years and redeem your time! God is not limited by time. It doesn't bother Him in the way it does us! He's never running out of it!
To REDEEM means to buy back! When God redeems your time: The value of it that you lost is coming back to you! He will give you another opportunity (an opportune time /a kairos moment).
The Greek Word 'kairos' means: 'A time when conditions are right for the accomplishment of a crucial action. The opportune and decisive moment.' When kairos comes you've got to seize it! '
It's an appointed time on the calendar of God where you step into divine alignment and destiny.
'Don't miss your moment!' God is about to open up to you another time behind / beyond the time that you know. God's got a hidden time that's about to open up for you. These are days we need to discern the times and live in kairos timing (rather than the limitations of chronos -chronological, earth-bound time) and move with heaven's timing, heaven's agenda.
Ecclesiastes 9:11:'The race is not to swift or battle to strong or wealth to brilliant but time (kairos) and chance (opportunity) happens to them all'.
Don't miss your opportunity when it comes! God is about to open a kairos window of time for you to step into and everything will change – not because of your strength or brilliance or working hard, but because you saw it and you said: 'This is MY God-given opportunity' and you took it!
Eph 5:15-17: Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity (redeeming the time), because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.'
Be wise, be discerning and spot the right opportunity– don't throw it away, don't waste it! You've got to have the wisdom of God to know the difference between a door God is opening and a trap the enemy is trying to draw you into. The only way you can seize the right moment is to understand God's will for your life -your purpose.
And the only solution for how to live through evil days (like we're in now!) is to live in the kairos timings of God! We live on God's agenda, we live off every word that comes from the mouth of God – every step a step of faith. To survive (and thrive) in these times: we've got to live differently to most– by synchronising with heaven and waiting on and moving in the timings of God! God is challenging us: ''Come up higher!''
When kairos opens up to you: You can choose to either step in and walk in destiny or back away from it. An example is Esther. She had the choice to rise to the occasion: whether she would be the instrument to bring deliverance to the Jews. When you realise that God has positioned you for destiny and you were 'born for such a time as this' you will not want to miss your divinely appointed time when it is presented to you!
Right now we're in a kairos season where God is bringing things together for His End Time purpose. What a privilege and honour to be called and chosen for these times, to be part of the generation that will usher in His glorious return!
When the enemy, the time thief, interferes with our timing, loss inevitably occurs. We lose a great opportunity. We lose something amazing that we were supposed to have. We lose something that was supposed to happen that didn't happen. That's why it's so painful – that sinking feeling of: 'I've missed it'.
Yet God wants to bring us back into timing and reset His timing in our lives so we can see full recompense for the lost years and then uninterrupted fruitfulness going forward!
I prophesy: There will be restitution! There will be 7-fold restoration of all the enemy stole! Your best years are ahead of you!
God has a purpose and destiny that was ordained for you before the foundation of the world!
Psalm 139 v16 says He wrote in His book about all the days ordained for you. It's not just how many days you'll live on earth but what you're meant to do while you're here!
Do you long to live out the fullness of your destiny? Do you want what's written in your book to come into reality in your life? There's a book of destiny in heaven written about every person whether they realise it or not. It contains the reason they're here, what they were made for.
So many people are frustrated because they have a deep sense that they were supposed to accomplish more than they have! They know there's more for them, because what's written in their book is also written on their heart!
Frustration and hope deferred can lead to being baited by the enemy and cheated out of our real inheritance because he offers us a glitzy packaged alternative that comes with a way cheaper price tag than Jesus' call to lay down your life, die to self and live a life of total obedience and surrender.
If we seek a short-cut to where we long to be, we can end up chasing after the wrong dream instead of the God-dream. It's better to wait and do things God's way and trust the process, but sometimes we have to learn the hard way! If you've been down this road and it's ended in tears, I want to tell you– God is merciful and full of compassion! He does not condemn you! He wants to redeem you! God sees your tears, your brokenness and He wants to restore the wasted years – no matter if it was your own actions that got you off track. Your Ishmael doesn't have to stop your Isaac! This is not how the story ends. The God-dream can still be birthed out!
God wants to RESTORE ALL THAT WAS LOST or stolen or held back from you! The lost years and the unfulfilled dreams. He hasn't forgotten that dream that was from Him, that dream that He placed inside of you! He wants to reset you to the original and the best!
So He is saying:''I WILL REDEEM THE DREAM''! I even felt Him saying: 'I AM RESTORING SHATTERED DREAMS!''
He wants to do something so beautiful! He's mending broken dreams and broken hearts – sick through hope deferred. God is the designer, and He's able to redeem anything in His creation! He's able to get it back to His original intention. He's able to work all things together for good! He can redeem absolutely anything, even if it looks irredeemable. There's nothing impossible for God!
The Author of the Dream is also the Finisher!
The devil may have told you it's all over, the dream was aborted, it's too late, it was all a waste. But in this season, God is bringing together all the seeds sown in previous seasons and there will be fruition & fulfilment. NONE OF IT WAS WASTED! God will redeem it all in this season! His promises are still 'Yes!' and 'Amen!'
Maybe you don't want to dream again because you're done with disappointment. And you've said: ''I'll leave that behind me. I'm over that now. Time to let go and forget it.''
And you think the dream's expired, that it's past it's due date for fulfilment. But God doesn't think like that! He's not linear. He moves in cycles and seasons.
One problem we have is a belief in hyper sovereignty of God. We think his timing is set and has nothing to do with us. We think there's a 'due date' and once it's past its game over. It's not true! We can still enter the kairos timing of God! There's still grace to enter it! God is opening another opportunity, a new kairos season! How is that possible? He's the Redeemer! He can redeem it all!
God will finish what He started. He wants you to be a trophy of His grace & use even your pain and mistakes to His glory! He will restore the lost years and you're going to love again and live again like you were never hurt! You're going to move forward like you were never set back! You're going to regain all the lost ground and 'forget the shame of your youth'.
God will make everything beautiful in His time! He sees the end from the beginning & everything in between.
TPT Psalm 139:5:''You’ve gone into my future to prepare the way, and in kindness you follow behind me to spare me from the harm of my past. You have laid your hand on me!''
Ps40:7-8: (This is about Jesus – even he had a book about what he was meant to accomplish as a man) 'In the prophetic scrolls of your book you have written about me. I delight to fulfil your will, your living words are written on the pages of my heart' .
This tells us that what's written in our book about us is also written on our heart! The deepest desires of your heart are placed there by God!
Psalm 37 says 'delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart'.
It's when we seek God and delight ourself in loving & experiencing Him, that He begins to reveal to us who He made us to be. We start to feel his desires awaken inside us as the Holy Spirit breathes on them.
Seeds of destiny, 'living words' were planted and hidden deep inside you when you were formed in your mother's womb! They're there to be discovered, nurtured and brought to maturity.
2Tim 1:9: says we were chosen according to His grace & purpose that was given to us before time.
Even before we ever existed there was grace and purpose apportioned to us! All the grace we could ever need to accomplish our purpose has been made available to us! God factored in your flawed humanity and that you would mess up. He knew what He was getting into when He chose you!
Throughout our life, from conception, there are environmental factors that impact our heart and the building of our belief system and these things can derail us from our purpose. Things like: painful experiences, trauma, emotional baggage, negative words, culture, tradition, loss, failure. And we lose sight of who we're meant to be and our sense of purpose and get stuck in survival mode. Just existing! You're not here to just exist! Without vision people perish, they stagnate, lose their bearings, their sense of direction. They get scattered.
If this resonates with you, pray this prayer now:
'' Father you knew me before you created me. You planned my days before even one of them came into being. I long to discover and live out the fullness of what you ordained for my life before I was even conceived in my mother's womb. Reveal to me what the enemy has tried to conceal and keep me away from! Reopen the pages of my book to me! Lord I want say before you with all sincerity, I want what's in my book! I want my prophetic destiny fulfilled in my life.
I'm asking right now for the books to be opened. Let revelation come, let your timing be released and even what's past timing let in now come into place Lord.
Lord, I'm ready for my 'kairos'! Please bring me into it now. Amen.''