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Established on the Authority of God's Word Part 2

Writer's picture: Pastors BlogPastors Blog

Updated: Aug 25, 2024

'Every scripture is God-breathed [given by His inspiration] and is profitable for instruction, for reproof and conviction of sin, for correction of error and discipline in obedience, and for training in righteousness (in holy living, in conformity to God's will in thought, purpose and action), so that the man of God may be complete and proficient, well fitted and thoroughly equipped for every good work' (2Tim 3:16 Amp)


All scripture carries the breath of God. The Greek and Hebrew word for 'breath' and 'Spirit' are the same word! The Spirit is the breath of God. All scripture had been inspired or breathed into by God and is infused with the Spirit of God!


We are living in times where many people are deeply insecure, lacking identity, stability, and direction in life. They are fearful and anxious for the future. They are overwhelmed by uncertainties. Many turn to self-help or life coaching for answers to how to cope in life.


2 Timothy 3:16 tells us exactly where we as Believers can find the answers to everything we are facing in our life.


In Scripture, we will find all the instruction, wisdom, guidance and equipping we could ever need for the entirety of our life.


We can all struggle with our thoughts. Our minds can feel like a battlefield!

God's Word is His thought.

So if I put God's Word first place in my life and allow it to have pre-eminence and rule in my mind, heart, and emotions, I will no longer be dominated by my own thoughts. I will no longer feel overwhelmed, unstable, confused, or like I'm fighting a losing battle day after day.


His instruction, direction and wisdom will begin to be applied by the Holy Spirit to my life. I will know what to do! I will receive solutions! I will receive correction and discipline to keep me on track. I will learn to walk in obedience. My steps will be firm – I will have direction and purpose instead of being all over the place. This is not becoming a slave or a robot but learning to be a mature son or daughter of God. God wants to bring all of His children into mature sonship, into wholeness and completeness in Christ. Then they can be entrusted with great things in His Kingdom!


We're often too afraid to allow God to correct, train and discipline us. We tend to want to avoid it and hide from it if possible! I don't know why we tend to be so stubborn, but we do. God wants to bring us to a place of trust and willingness to be corrected – knowing that it is for our good and this is how we will grow and progress.


We need to get rid of all that old programming in our minds that tells us that if we get too honest with God, He will punish us and make us do things we don't want to do. God is not like that! He is not harsh and mean! He's not a hard taskmaster. That's all the lies of the devil. God is for you, not against you.


He doesn't want to punish us, He wants to train us to become His mature sons and daughters. When you reach the place of mature sonship, you'll wonder why it took you so long to let go and trust the Lord! He knows what's best for us, far better than we do! So let go of your own ways and let God be God in your life. Let His Word rule in your heart, mind, will, and emotions.



Let's walk in the light rather than run away from the light. It's better to receive a rebuke from the Lord than be away from Him! He is good! He wants to do us good. He's not the Punisher, He's the Rewarder of those who seek Him. He's not the Enslaver, He's the One who sets truly free! His loving-kindness is better than life.


Trust the Lord to really let Him speak into your life.


When you next pick up your Bible, why don't you say to Him: 'Lord speak to me what you want to say, not what I want you to say' ? You'll be glad that you did!



2Tim 3:16 talks about being trained for righteousness by the scripture. This is a big theme of the New Testament.


Hebrews 5:13 says: 'Everyone who partakes only of milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness. He is a babe.'


The scripture will train you in righteousness. It's true that many are just on milk – that is they're unskilled, untrained in the word of righteousness.


'Milk' represents something comforting, a quick fix, something very simple, easy to swallow, easily digested, just motivational talks, and non-challenging teaching.


This is fine for new believers, who are spiritual infants, but there comes a time when we need to move on to solid food! We can't just stay on milk forever! Many people aren't happy about being weaned off the milk! It's so comforting, it's so nice! It requires very little effort. But we need the meat of the Word of God if we are to develop from spiritual infanthood into maturity and strength as a believer. If we don't have the meat of the Word and take only milk we remain a spiritual baby.


The Holy Spirit can take the Bible and make you a complete, a whole and proficient person – who feels sufficient not inadequate.


That is not someone who is arrogant but someone who is thoroughly equipped. We have the Maker's instruction manual to make us thoroughly equipped for life!


Our culture doesn't celebrate self-denial, self-control or character growth. It is hedonistic, self-loving and purely pleasure-seeking and that can seep into the church. As we engage with the Word of God and walk in it, we can and will experience character growth and change. We won't remain self-centered, we won't be easily offended, we won't be always looking for the path of least resistance! Instead, we will walk with the Lord, go deep in His Word, and become like Him!




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