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If you are hungry and thirsty for more OF GOD, you already belong!

“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”  1 Corinthians 2.9

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House of Prayer

Monday, Wednesday & Friday Evenings 7.30pm

Address:  King of Kings Church, Curtis House Business Centre, 4 Berking Avenue, Leeds, LS9 9LF.  CLICK HERE FOR MAP AND DIRECTIONS

We feel the call of the Holy Spirit to increased prayer.  We need an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the UK and we need to make ourselves available to Him.  This is what we are seeking to do at King of Kings Church.  Are you someone searching for more?  Are you someone who is conscious of the times we are living in?  Are you someone who is new to the faith?  Have you been a believer for sometime, but your feeling dry and dissatisfied?  The Holy Spirit is calling you - get in touch.


We are hungry and thirsty for the manifest presence of God, for the revealed word confirmed by the supernatural power of God.

God is pouring out His Spirit in these end times.  These are times to be awake, when many in the Church are falling asleep.  If you are reading this, He is calling you to be awake, calling you to receive the outpouring.  He is calling you to step into the New Glory.


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